How could we make his last days memorable and cozy, I booked your flight to spend some one-on-one time with him - a treasured commodity in a very family of nine. Time to touch him. Time to talk. To smell his musky smoky aura. To look in their eyes. To figure out how I may make it all better. With a destination from the Midwest, the flight from my coastal home were built with a layover in Washington D.C.
As I rode the people-mover towards the terminal, my cellular phone range. Directed to discover a seat by my spouse, he relayed this news that my dad had passed on early that morning coming from a heart attack. How could this be, He was meant to have months ahead. His diagnosis was cancer, not heart related illnesses.
A comforting contemplated God’s mercy stumbled on mind and heart. Still, rather than my much anticipated reunion, I was now headed with a funeral. There am much we'd to say to one another. Life just wasn’t the identical, those first years afterward. My family’s usual jovial holiday celebrations seemed subdued and pensive.
Back in your house, it seemed that his death was the main one topic I could not address inside my daily journal writing. It was like I had place the entire situation within a box over a shelf - high up during my bedroom closet. Clearly, I wasn’t wanting to open that box.
There was much we to say to one another. It was around the period that I was teaching a Write to Christ journal writing class on the local library that I chosen to pull that box down off of the bedroom shelf. I began writing that deeply personal letter to my father.
At first, the emotions poured out - sadness, anger, remorse, wonder, gratitude lastly joy. I cried lots, even with all those months. I laughed. I smiled throughout, always picturing him in reference to his slightly off-balance grin. I forgave and I asked forgiveness. There am much I had to state to him.
Later that year, our family and I traveled west to check out my mother for that Christmas holiday. I had planned for taking one day without any help to visit my pops’s final resting place. Pulling to the cemetery gates, I was amazed to see don't forget the rolling hill and gentle landscape with this special place. The sun shone brightly on that day and reflected off of the accumulated snow. I sloshed with the dripping pools of icicle water and approach the mausoleum.
I felt a deep a sense serenity as being a slight smile crossed my lips. My tense shoulders relaxed and I embarked on the mini-adventure of finding dad’s vault inside the many hallways. I wander a little - marveling on the delicate yet striking stained glass last but not least found the simplest way.
Reaching into my purse, I felt around inside for the bulging envelope I had brought across the nation. Opening the flap with the envelope, I re-read the letter to dad one more time. Fresh tears flowed and also a smile emerged onto my face. I tucked the letter in its place and left it in a very crevice. Turning to leave, I almost tripped on the large poinsettia plant on a lawn.
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