Americans Think They Invented Yorkshire Pudding As A 'fluffy Pancake'
When the New York Times recently shared a recipe for something they called a ‘Dutch Baby’ accompanied by a picture of a massive Yorkshire pudding, they probably weren’t anticipating the backlash they would receive from a legion of pudding-loving Brits. And to describe the pudding as a ‘fluffy pancake’ really didn’t sit well with anyone this side of the pond. This is not a dessert!
This is a thing of beauty that should be filled with beef and vegetables. Or sausage and mash. It is a Yorkshire pudding. And react they did, with Twitter awash with comments saying their beloved Yorkshire pudding had been ruined. While Sylvia Kendall said: ‘Fluffy pancake , It’s a YORKSHIRE PUDDING, don’t even think of calling it anything else, especially in Yorkshire. And suggesting it could eaten ‘for breakfast, lunch and dessert any time of year’ and served ‘with syrup, preserves, confectioners’ sugar or cinnamon sugar,’ was probably all too much for some online pudding fans. Becky wrote: ‘This is not a dessert! This is a thing of beauty that should be filled with beef and vegetables. Or sausage and mash.
My hub is the first hit when you google "syrup phobia"! You are certainly among friends here, Jennifer. The closest phobias I could find were: "cibophobia", fear of food; "iophobia", fear of poison; "blennophobia", fear of slime; and "geumaphobia", fear of taste. I wonder who you write to to get a new phobia named,
Having Googled to see if there is a technical term for syrup phobia, I stumbled upon this. The smell, the flavor, the texture, the sight of syrup makes me ill to think about. 10 years ago from The world. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having your own likes and dislikes for food, annmaeve. Even if it means disliking maple syrup. You sure do have an interesting history with the stuff. A very entertaining hub! Welcome to HAMS, Lynnsie!
A neutral-flavored oil like vegetable or canola holds a steady heat and doesn't mask the flavor of the pancakes. Plus, you can (should,) always add a pat or two of butter along with your (warm) maple syrup. Most importantly, have patience. It's true what they say about the first pancake: it's never perfect. The first pancake is your chance to play with the stove's heat and take a taste.
We call for cooking pancakes over medium heat, but every stove is different and you might need to adjust a little up or down between batches. You drive the stove, don't let the stove drive you. Keep an eye on it. Remember to wait for a set edge and bubbles on top before you flip. Use a wide, thin spatula and remember to flip quickly and confidently.
They came out perfectly. I hate puffy cookies and these were not puffy. Love the pink M&Ms in the Mother's Day cookies. And I'm sure you're right about your "secret". The more the yummier. Thanks for the lens. Looks like a great recipe - I'll have to try it. My niece loves M&M cookies. I will be jumping of a recipe for her today. For some reason I have a hard time making chocolate chip/m&m cookies. These turned out perfect.
Grain free is the new gluten free. Once it was enough not to have gluten but now a lot of people follow a paleo diet. Not me. I am just a vegetarian with the right recipe at the right time. Vitasoy sent me Pete Evans' Healthy Every Day cookbook recently.
I have had my eye on the Almond and Berry pancakes for a while. This morning Sylvia wanted pancakes but there were no bananas for our usual pancakes. The moment had come. It has been a big weekend so I can vouch for these being fairly easy once I worked out what frothy eggs looked like.
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