Eggless Buttermilk Pancakes

buttermilk pancake recipe
I’m giving you a gift today. Extra fluffy and light, these eggless buttermilk pancakes are warm vanilla-y pillows of goodness. This post may contain affiliate links. Any purchases made through these links will give me a small commission at no extra charge to you. For more information please read my privacy & disclosure page. I’m not allergic to eggs.

I eat eggs almost every single day. But you’ll be amazed at how light and fluffy these pancakes are without them. How do these delicious cakes get so light and fluffy if there’s no eggs, And thats where we’ll start! This recipe calls for ground flaxseed so you can buy it pre-ground or buy whole and grind it yourself in a coffee grinder. I grind it myself in my lovely Capresso conical burr grinder.

Serious gourmet coffee drinkers are squirming in their seats right now at the thought of grinding anything other than freshly roasted coffee beans in their precious burr grinder. I was fresh out of college once… no whisk. Note that my pancakes have a few specks of brown in them. That’s the residual coffee grinds from having used my coffee grinder for the ground flaxseed. And it equals yum.

In another bowl whisk together all the wet ingredients! Morning meals should be simple especially if made before coffee. The wet ingredients are 1/2 cup (1 stick) of melted butter (I use salted), 2 cups buttermilk, and 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. Tip: nuke your butter in the bowl first, then add the buttermilk and vanilla. No extra bowls for melting butter required. Download this quick reference FREE printable for your fridge right now! Check your inbox to download your printable!

There was an error submitting your subscription. Make a well in the dry ingredient bowl and pour the wet ingredients right in the center. Now GENTLY fold these together. Get everything wet but be gentle and let there be lumps! Lumps are good. If you mix it too much (creating a smooth batter instead of lumpy), you’ll notice that your pancakes will be tough and not at all light.

Leave the lumps and I promise you’ll have fluffy pancakes. Set up an electric griddle at 350 degrees or a nonstick skillet on medium/medium low (depending on your stove and kind of skillet). Spray with cooking spray or throw on a pat of butter. I love using an electric griddle because it allows me to lay out several pancakes at a time which means my family and I can eat breakfast sooner. This is very important to me, of course. Here’s my husband doing the dirty work.

Wait. I should have done this and asked him to do the dishes instead. When you drop the pancake batter, don’t get caught up in making perfect circle shapes. With this lumpy batter you’ll go batty trying to do this. Let it go. Let them be weird shapes. You’re stomach doesn’t know the difference.

Give your pancakes 3 minutes or so on one side - look for a few little bubbles to appear through the top. Give them another 2 minutes and then plate. You’ll notice that these hot cakes rise with the heat, giving them a beautifully fluffy texture. It may be tempting to grab them right off the griddle and stuff your face but beware! You’ll burn the necessary tastebuds for enjoying them thoroughly and it will take days to recover. I know from experience. Look how light and fluffy and grand they are.

Talk about fork tender! You may pour on the syrup, sir. Don’t even get me started on maple syrup. Okay I’ll get started - GET THE REAL STUFF. Spend the money, it’s worth it times a billion. If you’re in the Hudson Valley of New York, I recommend trying organic Crown Maple syrup.

It’s a luxurious local brand from Madava Farms in Dutchess County. You can visit year-round and tour their sugarhouse, giving you a proper education on how maple syrup is made. They include samples so there’s no excuse not to go. One thing I like to do is make several bags-worth of the dry ingredients to have on hand. Label them with the rest of the recipe and then you can have a helpful older kid make the rest!

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