Fluffy Protein Pancakes

So now I have started to experiment again, and I must say; this is my best pancake recipe regardless of its healthiness. They are so moist and fluffy! People do not believe that they are all- natural, stuffed with protein, low- carb, gluten- free, grain- free and lactose- free- when they eat them, and neither do I..! These protein pancakes are the perfect way to start your day with in the morning, post- work out snacks or even dinner (if you add some savory on top).
They also lighten up a grey and rainy day. Just add some extra good topping, and you will feel better. If you are not that fancied of going all paleo or all- natural, or if you want an even higher protein content, you may add 1 scoop of protein powder, and remove 1.5 tablespoons of coconut flour. If you are in a hurry or are not that keen on how fluffy they are, you do not need to divide the eggs, just whisk it all togheter.
The pancakes pictured below are made with this combo (added proteinpowder and no dividing of eggs), and they will turn out a bitt less fluffy. The ones pictured above are the original fluffy ones. 1. Divide the eggyolk and the eggwhite. Whisk the eggyolks in a bowl, and add milk. Whisk the eggwhite to a white and stiff mass with a pinch of salt. 2. Mix the dry ingredients into the eggyolk- and milk mix.
Whisk it smooth, and let it rest for a bit. 3. Blend in the stiff eggwhites (whisk them a bit more just before blending) carefully with a balloon whisk (pictured above). Whisk it as little as you can, but make sure the blend is smooth in the end. Let it rest a couple of minutes.
If you feel that the batter need a bit more liquid, add some more milk or water. 4. Fry the pancakes on high temperature on both sides in a heated pan, preferably with a lid (they will then rise more). I use a teflon pan, so I do not need any fat.
If you do use another type of pan, add some coconutfat or wathever fat or oil you prefer. I always cover up the pancakes, so that they keep warm. It will be approx 4 pancakes (10 cm in diameter) depending on how big you make them. Add your topping of choice, sweet or savory; berries, bananas, cottage cheese, agave syrup, greek yoghurt, chocolate chips (!), whipped cream, cream cheese, salmon, brie and so on.
By adding some grounded cinnamon and cardemomme you add some antioxidants and these spices also help regulate the digestion. By eating all the pancakes bare, by yourself you will get 296 kcal, 30 grams fibre (!!!), 23 grams protein , 20 grams fat (3 grams saturated fat, when made with soy-milk) and 11.5 grams carbohydrates.
These weren’t that good.. I should try them since they’re kinda similar to my favorite pancake recipe but they turned out to be really ugly.. Sure you can eat them but they’re not as good as the real flully buttermilk pancakes. These are the best pancakes! I have searched long and hard for a good recipe - light and fluffy is the word!
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