How To Make The Best Pancakes

pancake recipe with baking soda
One of the easiest ways to demonstrate science in the home is in the kitchen. Today we’re making pancakes to explore some new concepts. Pancake batter, we used the recipe below but you can use any mixture you want. Sift the flour and add the egg into it, whisk the egg into the flour with a splash of milk. Basic pancake mixture with a teaspoon of baking powder. Basic pancake mixture with some whisked egg white. Basic pancake mixture with baking powder and whisked egg white.

How do you think the baking soda and whisked egg will affect the pancake, The baking powder and egg white should add air to the mixture giving it more volume than the basic mixture. How would you expect the pancakes made using different mixtures to differ, We would expect the pancakes to vary in size. The smallest should be the basic mixture and largest the mixture with baking soda and whisked egg white. The baking powder acts as a leavening agent. This means it adds bubbles of gas ( Carbon dioxide ) to the dough.

This is a chemical reaction which happens when the baking powder mixes with the moist dough mix. The starch in the flour mixes with the water in the dough mixture to form a matrix which then sets leaving the holes left by the gas bubbles inside. If you don’t use baking powder in a pancake it will be much flatter. Baking powder is an example of a chemical leavener. An example of a biological leavener is yeast.

The egg whites are just another way to add air to the pancake mixture, when whisked the egg whites trap air, increasing the volume of the egg whites. When carefuly mixed into the pancake mixture air is added to the pancake mix too. Did you know that citric acid (found in lemon juice) stimulates your taste buds, Try adding some to your pancake. These photos were taken with a microscope. You can clearly see the air bubbles in the mixture with baking powder.

I enjoyed reading this. Thelma Alberts. Thank you for stopping by. Oh it can get in a mess I just have to check it every week and make sure to put it back in order. Most problems are with the floor area and to much stuff ending up in the pantry.

I appreciate your comment. What a beautiful pantry! It looks so orderly and neat. Thanks for stopping by. I love a pantry too. Just added more groceries to mine today. I love a great pantry! We lived in an old apartment building when we were first married and I miss having a pantry.

Thank you so much. It is so handy and I love it. Thank you for stopping by and for the vote. I am SO jealous of your kitchen pantries! Too adorable. Jealous jealous jealous. Voted up and beautiful. You have WONDERFUL taste! Eddy, Thanks for stopping by I'm glad you liked my hub.

You also have a great day. What a great hub and here's to so many more for us both to share on here. I wish you a great day. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love a well-stocked, easy access pantry! Unfortunately, we move a lot (it's a good thing, part of our job, but it's hard adjusting) and my current kitchen has no pantry.

Thank you, for stopping by and for an up vote. My nieces were just here for a visit and they just loved this little old farm house and the pantry. They live in nice houses and one has a big new house yet they loved this little place walked all around taking pictrue. So I guess they also feel the way you do about older homes. Good hub Moonlake. I miss my pantry that was in the old house I grew up in.

I haven't seen them in many of the new houses I have seen. I like the older houses better then the newer ones. Are old house felt comfortable. I don't feel that way in the new house. Anyway, good hub. Voted up. Well, men are usually the ones that figure out how to build something.

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