How To Make An Omelette

pancake recipe for kids
Updated on May 17, 2018 Diana Grant moreBefore I became a London solicitor, I used to help in our family restaurant. I love good food, enjoy creative cooking, and hate food waste. So, if you are a beginner, and have had difficulty in the past making an omelette, you will be happy to find out how easy omelette making really is. Do You Want to Know the Secret of a Good Omelette,

If you are making an omelette for more than one person, it is possible to make one huge omelette, and divide it after it has been cooked. However, I don't advise this, as it is a bit messy, and doesn't look so appetizing. After all, aesthetics in cooking are important too, even though it is the taste and texture which matters most.

Assemble together a mixing bowl, small frying pan, an egg whisk or fork, a grater and a turner/fish lift. And have a plate standing ready to receive the omelette, as there will be split-second timing to ensure the omelette is turned out of the pan before it overcooks. Break the eggs into the bowl, add the water and whisk them.

If you like a very light omelette, whisk until slightly frothy, but if you like a slightly heavier omelette, whisk until the egg yolks are only just combined with the egg whites, and are still a bit streaky. Heat the olive oil in the frying pan, swirling it around to ensure the base is completely covered in oil, until it just starts to smoke. Pour in the eggs and tip or stir the pan so that the egg mixture completely covers the base.

Turn down the heat and, using the turner, keep dragging the partly set eggs into the middle, so that the liquid spreads out to the edges. Just as the omelette is starting to solidify, but is still slightly runny, sprinkle the cheese evenly over one half of the omelette. 1 2 3 4 5 5 stars from 2 ratings of Cheese Omelette Now That You Know How to Make Cheese Omelette - Let's Try Something Else - How About a Mushroom Omelette,

Slice four mushrooms, and fry them in a small amount of olive oil or butter. I sometimes add a tomato as well. Then start cooking the omelette using the same method as for the cheese omelette, but this time, instead of adding grated cheese, add the cooked mushroom (or mushroom and tomato).

Or if you fancy cheese and mushroom omelette, add cheese and mushroom as a filling. Thus, instead of just using grated cheese as a stuffing for your omelette, this time we will ring the changes. 1. In a small saucepan, fry half a small onion, chopped small, add a clove of garlic, finely chopped, and a tomato, cut into small pieces, adding a pinch of any green herbs that you have, fresh or dried. 2. Use a tablespoon of the mixture for your omelette, spreading it over one side, and sprinkle some grated cheese over it.

Then fold the other half of the omelette over, to enclose the mixture. Once you can make all the above omelettes, you could try other ingredients - How about chopped red or green peppers, or ham, bacon, or choritzo sausage, 3, And maybe add a little garlic and coriander leaves. Or you could make a seafood omelette, by adding prawns. How to Tell if an Egg is Bad. Have you ever been in the middle of baking or cooking, only to notice your eggs are past the "sell-by" date,

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