How To Organize And Keep Pantry Clean Plus Keeping Bugs Out Of Food

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How To Organize And Keep Pantry Clean Plus Keeping Bugs Out Of Food. Updated on January 13, 2016 moonlake moreContact Author Always nice to have a window in the Pantry if you can. Old Country Pantry. How to Organize. This hub is about my old country pantry and how to keep bugs out of food.

We lived in an old house when we were first married and it had a pantry. I loved pantries from the moment I saw this pantry. They hold so much and keep lots of clutter from the kitchen. The old pantry had a window, shelves on four walls and a trap door to get into the cellar or buttery.

Pantries also called larders used to store food and keep it cold. The house built in 1900. The pantry was on the north side of the house I'm sure for keeping food cooler. I wondered why they put the trap door in the middle of the pantry. I think it may have been to open up and let cool air into the pantry keeping the food cooler. There was no refrigeration in those days and pantries were often built this way. I knew someday I would have my own pantry.

When we built our new house we made sure to have a pantry in it. Our friend did the plans for us told us no one had pantries and they're just a waste of space. I disagree and a pantry went into the plans. Men, I'm the woman of the house I should be the one to decide on a pantry and that's just what I did.

I'm short so pantries are easy for me. I have trouble reaching tall cabinets in a kitchen. Now we live in an old farmhouse and we made sure when we remodeled to put in a pantry. I designed the pantry my husband carried out my design. Thank goodness he's handy. The pictures on this hub are pictures of our pantry. Antique measureing cups I use and a bread box and jars for flour.

Add A Small Pantry Under the Stairs. My first item to buy for a pantry were jars. I try to always get vintage looking jars. Wal-Mart carries some nice looking ones. Buy any kind which can hold pasta, rice, sugar, flour and other items. I believe in removing an item from the box and putting into jars.

This keeps any kind of bugs out and keeps items fresher longer. Be sure to label and date items in the jars. I have forgotten to do this at times. It's not easy to always figure out what the item is in the jar if you don't use it often and don't have it tagged. There are different ways to label. Buy chalkboard sticky rolls place them on the jar name with chalk and then erased and a new name put on if need be. You can also paint chalkboard paint on the jars.

A cheaper way to add a tag cut from the box or bags the name of the item and place inside the jar. You can put the names in a small plastic sandwich bag and write the expiration date inside. A pantry needs to be well lit, it's nice to have a window so during the day you don't have to turn on lights.

This will also let in fresh air. Make sure you have a nice light. My light is an old school house type of light. Buy liners to cover the shelves. You can get grip-it shelving in a roll and or you can buy cork board in a roll. Either one will work well and keep items from hitting each other.

I try to keep my pantry well organized, but, believe me, it gets away from me at times. Every so often you have to go through everything. Now dust, reorganize and check dates on everything. You can also use floor space can also. We keep dog food in a container on the floor. Use a large basket for chips, popcorn, and lunch chips.

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