Microwave Peanut Butter Cookies

My first batch burnt by 2min and 30sec.. the second didn't set up at 2min. This is going to take some playing around but its AWESOME in a craving fit. Ok so just made it in the microwave and it turned out like a PANCAKE! Finally a recipe that doesn't have chocolate-i eat it before i create stuff- and doesn't need an oven for quick dashes to work birthdays! I'm baking in South Korea, but I'm not sure why this happened. Cant wait to try a delicious looking cookie!
I am only 12 years old and I like to make things. 7 years ago from Chennai, India. I am a great fan of cookies. It's really yummy cookies here! Great microwave cookie ideas. I am going to have peanut butter cookies (trying for coffee mug recipe) with shredded coconut toppings with a large glass of milk,as recommended by you! Thanks for sharing, Weblweave.
I just can't get over how many people have tried it! Maybe I should be manufacturing and selling sticky rice kits! I had a lot of fun writing this one. Dohn, you're getting me every which way! D BTW, I love sticky rice -- my mom made the best but you've written the best article on it! Hey, atlovesbm. Long time no see! This hub made me hungry! Probably not, Aya. Your best bet is to go to a Asian food store to find sticky rice. The bigger the store, the better the price!
In addition, I guess you could always order it through Amazon! Probably not, Aya. Your best bet is to go to a Asian food store to find sticky rice. The bigger the store, the better the price! In addition, I guess you could always order it through Amazon! Dohn121, I love sticky rice, too. I first had some in Taiwan. But I have never made it.
Mart carry the right kind of rice to start with, Hi, Marco. You are without a doubt correct about eastern cultures having an affinity for eating on the floor as it is in fact the norm rather than the exception. And in speaking about these cultures, I'd also like to add in that eating as a group (eg. In Lao culture, several dishes of the food is shared with many. Thanks so much for the input Marco. I really appreciate it!
A lot of middle eastern cultures eat out of one big tray with their hands, sitting on the ground. A lot of the meals also involve rice, although they do love their bread. I've always associated 'sticky rice' with a way of cooking rice such that it sticks together a bit more and used in things like sushi, making it easier to eat with chop sticks than 'normal' rice. I don't think that's the same thing though.
Hey, beccas90. Thank you for reading me. I'm glad that you enjoyed this hub and that you learned a lot about sticky rice. I'm surprised to find that so many of my readers know about it. I hope you get the chance to try it. This is a stupendous hub! I love it. And I learnt a lot about sticky rice on the way of looking at he gorgeous photos.
The rice cooker that you got is most likely for regular white rice or brown rice, Lindsay, and so should not be confused with sticky rice, which is very different. Thanks for reading me! I hope I cleared that up! I am in love with rice in general and recently got a rice cooker when I was going off to college.
It's definitely different than how you made rice here, but either was is way better than instant rice. Not enough people have the great appreciation for real rice like they should. It compliments any dish perfectly! Thanks for the great comment, indigenous! And thank you, tim-tim. It's great to hear that you do. Thank you, VelociRabbit, for visiting and reading me. I'm happy to be able to pass on the information.
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