Sour Cream Buttermilk Pancakes

buttermilk pancake recipe
These Sour Cream Buttermilk Pancakes are one of the first recipes I posted on my blog. However, with Mother’s Day soon approaching, and because my recipe was in need of some updated pictures, I decided to repost it. When I initially posted this recipe, I got feedback from several readers that these were a huge hit on Mother’s Day.

If you’ve never made homemade pancakes, you might think they are hard to make, but they aren’t hard at all. Trust me, when I tell you it takes 5 minutes to whip up a batch of this pancake batter, and it’s so worth it. Tip: When mixing the pancake batter, do not over mix. This creates tough pancakes.

Mix the batter just long enough to incorporate the dry ingredients. If the batter has small lumps in it, that’s okay. 1. Make sure your griddle is very hot. I use an electric griddle and heat it to 350 degrees. When I feel it’s had time to be hot, I brush it with butter. If it’s hot enough, it will sizzle when the butter touches it. If it doesn’t sizzle, wait a few more seconds until it does.

2. Most people, even cooks on TV, say the first pancake is never a good one, and some people even pitch the first one that gets poured onto the griddle. This is because they do not give their griddle time to get hot enough before pouring that first pancake. You should never have to pitch a pancake. 3. Decide how big you want your pancakes to be.

If you’re not real experienced in flipping pancakes, you might want to make yours on the smaller side so they’re easier to flip. Use a measuring cup to make each one the same size. I used a 1/2 cup measuring cup to pour the batter in the pictures above. Once you pour the batter, you can use a spoon and slightly spread the batter out a little more.

That’s what I do. If I’m making small silver dollar pancakes for my grandchildren, I use a large cookie scoop. 4. Once you’ve poured the batter onto the griddle, don’t flip the pancakes over until you see several air bubbles form on the batter, as you can see in the picture above.

It usually takes about 1 minutes per side. To see if the second side is done, raise up the edge of the pancake with a pancake turner and if it’s browned on the under side, they’re done. I like to butter the tops, while the pancakes are on the griddle, waiting for the under sides to get done.

Fix these for your mom for Mother’s Day and make her smile! The pictures below are from my original post. I just had to move them over. 1. Preheat a griddle to 350 degrees. 2. Combine dry ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk or use a fork to blend.

3. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, vanilla, oil, sour cream and buttermilk. 4. Add the flour and wet mixtures together and mix until incorporated but do not over mix. Mixture will be slightly lumpy. 5. Brush some butter onto the preheated griddle. 6. Pour batter, depending on the size you prefer, onto the hot griddle. 7. Flip pancakes after you see the tops start to form small air bubbles. 8. Remove from the griddle when the bottoms are golden brown and slather with butter. 9. Serve with warm maple syrup or the syrup of your choice. Actual yield depends on the size of pancakes.

Yes. Were they as good as pancakes, Um, is anything as good as pancakes, Waffles will never be pancakes. The following Sunday, with a pancake craving as big as my hair on a humid afternoon (scary), I made these strawberry beauties. Complete with a pile of homemade honey butter. Because I’m ridiculous. And had just ran 5 miles.

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