The Only Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe You'll Ever Need — The Lazy Genius Collective
Be a genius around the things that matter and lazy regarding the things that don't.
Nov 13
Nov 13
I have very good news and not so good news.
The best part about it, I'm gonna take away your complete Thanksgiving turkey woes. No more lying on a lawn trying to thaw it with the body heat or stress eating from the closet simply because you put it inside the oven three hours late.
The not so good news, I don't have photos of my turkey. My husband was disappointed I didn't randomly cook a huge bird so that you can take a picture, but what else could you do. I blame price range for not selling turkeys yet.
That said, there's more a turkey seems like, these instructions are shockingly easy. I'm not most of the holiday host for either sides of the family, nevertheless the few times I have, this turkey stole the show. It's simple, moist, and takes bit of time the day before and just needs to go within the oven marriage ceremony you eat it. Let's join in.
The Only Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe You'll Ever Need
1 stick of really soft unsalted butter
1 tbsp salt (Yeah, I get it, have you thought to just used salted butter, Because different brands have different salt contents + I always have unsalted butter amen.)
2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground in case you can
4 tsp dried herbs (I use equal parts thyme and rosemary, but fennel and sage could well be nice additions, too)
1 large white or yellow onion, peeled and cut into large wedges
2 large apples (any sort is fine) cut into large wedges
Three Days Before: Thaw the Turkey
If your turkey is frozen, put it inside the fridge to thaw. Grab a sheet pan (capture any drips from broken wrapping), cover it in foil (to stop you from the need to wash a sheet pan that caught any drips from broken wrapping), and set the turkey breast-side standing on the pan and to the fridge. It takes almost 72 hours to fully thaw a ten pound bird and 5-6 days for just one closer to 20 pounds. PLAN ACCORDINGLY.
The Day Before: Season the Turkey
In the morning, grab the butter and give it time to sit around the counter just about all day.
Somewhere between lunch all night to bed, take out everything you may need: your roasting pan, the turkey, a bowl for mixing the butter, the wedged onion and apples, and extra salt and pepper for within the bird, preferably within a tiny bowl that may accept gross turkey hands. Don't worry regarding the measurements. Just scoop out why not a tablespoon and grind a little bit of pepper in it.
In a compact bowl, mix the butter with one tablespoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of pepper, and also the dried herbs. It's heavily seasoned; you shouldn't be scared.
Take the turkey out in the wrapping, pat it dry with paper towels, make it on a huge plastic cutting board. If you don't have an enormous plastic cutting board, might I suggest covering your counter with some sheets of plastic wrap. You need room to change position as you season the turkey, so a plastic wrap coating may be the next best thing.
Take several big pinches of these extra salt and pepper, and heavily season the inside on the turkey. (Hopefully you purchased a turkey while using giblets and stuff removed; in any other case, the first encounter which has a tiny turkey liver is unquestionably... interesting. But check to be sure the cavity is empty.) After you season the interior, then stuff the apples and onions inside.
Next comes the fun part. Take that seasoned butter and rub everthing over the turkey, underneath the skin first and after that on the surface. Top, bottom, sides, in each and every crevice you'll find. Warning: the explanation you want the butter incredibly soft is simply because it will will firm up when you rub it for the cold turkey. It's fine, and you're simply not doing anything wrong. Just keep massaging butter right into a dead bird like it's normal. Last butter-related item: should you run out of butter when you coat the outer fully, it's fine. Under the skin is much more important.
Put the turkey from the roasting pan breast-side up, cover it in foil, and pop it back from the fridge before next day.
The Day Of: Cook the Turkey
Here's what's great. Your turkey is able to go inside the oven just like it is. There is literally not do except cook it.
For a ten pound turkey, cook for four hours at 325 degrees (preheat the oven first, please). I like to keep your turkey covered in foil with the first three hours to keep your moisture inside. Remove it to the final hour to let your skin get really golden. Once it's done (we'll be able to that), allow it to rest covered in foil again approximately 20 minutes before carving.
How To Know When a Turkey Is Done
There are a couple of methods:
Use a meat thermometer. Stick the thermometer from the thickest part on the breast; you desire 165 degrees F. If you're a degree or too shy, just pull against eachother anyway; it'll keep rise because it rests.
Rely within the pop-up thermometer. A wide range of turkeys come that has a built-in thermometer that pops up inside when the turkey is performed. Sometimes it's for the right time, and quite often it takes the turkey slightly far. This is my least favorite way because it is the most out of my control, and I wouldn't like a dry turkey. If you're scared though, use that pop-up thermometer with relish, man.
Cut open the bird. Poke the bottom on the turkey that has a sharp knife, and observe the juices that will out. If they're clear, you're all set. If they're pink, the turkey isn't done yet.
Wiggle a leg. Before the periods of thermometers and pieces of plastic imbedded in turkey flesh, folks would wiggle the turkey leg to try for doneness. If it wiggles really easily, you are most probably good.
Don't overthink it. The worst-case scenario is that you start carving a turkey that's not quite done yet. You'll input it back inside oven to get a bit, and dinner will become a little behind. This will not ruin Thanksgiving.
You've got this. Be cool.
Happy Turkeying.
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