Easy Pancake Recipe
Have I got a super mega easy pancake recipe for you today - I’ve been meaning to share this for literally months. It’s been my go-to recipe for something Reubs will definitely eat, THAT IS HEALTHY, ever since Claire Manby suggested this recipe on the Mum’s Days Facebook Page back in June.
I’ve altered the original recipe as I felt like I was eating a porridge patty but the result is an even easier recipe! I am by no means a food blogger; I don’t have the patience for all the photos required, my kitchen is never tidy enough and I’m generally not a very good cook. I make some delicious things, don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t be able to recreate them - I’m what my dad would call an ad-libber.
Four ingredients - that’s it for the easy pancake recipe! 1. Whizz the lot in a food processor/liquidizer. Mine is too ugly to show you! You can also use a hand blender but be sure to get it really fine - the last time I used one I found the pancakes still had whole oats in it! 2. Put oil in your good non-stick pan.
I use 1 tsp of coconut oil and that is enough for the whole batch. You can also use butter or olive oil. 3. Pour in your mixture. You want little rounds, they are MUCH easier to turn over and they are then also a handy bite size for your bambino.
I can get 5 in my pan but not when I’m trying to take a photo! 4. Flip your pancakes. When it’s starting to make little bubbles in the top, that’s when I know they are ready to turn. Yours might not do that though so just flip after a minute or 2!
5. Move pancakes to a plate (I find a pile is best as this keeps the first ones warm!), Continue adding your mix until it’s all gone. Meanwhile remove toddler from cupboard, oh and don’t forget to put the coffee on. You’ll probably find the second lot are better than the first, I always do!
Cinnamon butter is - 50g unsalted butter (leave it out for a bit so it’s beatable!), 1 tbsp manuka honey, 1/2 tsp cinnamon - beat together and refrigerate to set. Amazing on rye bread too. For an even easier easy pancake recipe, you could always try this 2 ingredient pancake; 2 eggs, 1 banana… a glorified banana omlet, but still delicious! What do you think of my easy pancake recipe, Will you be giving it a try with your little one, Do you have a failsafe recipe that you know your little one will eat,
12 exciting pancake ideas grains of earth. Pancakes, like porridge, are at risk for dullness. To keep breakfast exciting 1. Color the pancakes with food dye. Pancake recipes allrecipes. Buttermilk pancakes, blueberry pancakes, banana pancakes, oatmeal or whole wheat. Get recipes for light and fluffy pancakes. Pancake recipes, dishes, ideas & howtos from tablespoon! Bisquick pancakes; blueberry pancakes; buttermilk pancakes; chocolate chip pancakes; the place to feed your fix for recipes, food hacks, howtos and party ideas. Recipes pancakes. Now recipes pancakes here. Get great results on looksmart.
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