Fluffy Pancake Recipe - Popular Recipes - Pancake Recipe

fluffy pancake recipe
It does make very light fluffy pancakes, but they taste like scones. I just tried this recipe (using the fluffier version of it) and they came out PERFECT! We did not have plain carbonated water so I used Cherry 7Up and you we could not even taste it! We did not think it tasted like scones at all. My husband and I loved them!

And I am not usually a big fan of pancakes because they are usually so thick and filling, but these were very fluffy and light! THANK YOU for the great recipe! This will definitely be THE pancake recipe in our house! Sorry, not recommended. I've tried a bunch of fluffy pancake recipes over the years. This one doesn't rate high for me. Too much salt, and way too thick. Came out very very dry, thick and not super fluffy.

If you're going to try it def use low heat as they take a while to cook through. Though by the time the ones cooking are done the ones cooked will be cool. Turned out nice & fluffy. Ingredients & steps were very similar to an old recipe (which also added 5mls of vinegar), but adding whipped egg whites separately DOES THE TRICK FOR FLUFFY PANCAKES. I actually added a MASHED BANANA to the mix before adding egg whites & cooked on low-ish heat. Yummy (and a good way to use old fruit).

But I loved the hub! My maple syrup phobia is more strongly based on my younger siblings. I have since that time learned to eat maple syrup, it's been 4 years. But I will not allow anyone within ten feet of me if syrup is in the room. I let out my secret at summer camp and was chased with a bottle.

It's a sad, sad, sticky world sometimes, Ryan. My good fried has this same fear. Only he can eat maple syrup but if it touches his skin he totally loses his mind. I will tell him about HAMS. Ooooo I wish I had a real name for it! Give your friend my good wishes, and tell her to keep fighting the good fight!

Hehehe Naomi, thanks for commenting! What if we call it HARF - Hubbers Against Random Foodstuffs, And while I don't share your hatred of mayo, I'll defend to the death your right have that hate! I'm afraid I can't join your club because I like syrup (my best friend growing up used to talk to the Mrs. Butterworth bottle!), but this hub made me chuckle. And I do understand how you can hate a food so much because I feel the same way about mayo. I can barely stand to be in the same room with it.

I think everyone has a food they feel this way about so your hub was very relatable, even if we don't share a dislike of the same product. I have nothing against sweetner in processed foods. In fact, I prefer processed foods most of the time. I'm probably going to break a bubble, but ketchup IS sweetened.

And worse (IMO), the popular brands are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. I'll take a few drops of (real) maple syrup. I love maple syrup, but only the real stuff. No corn syrup for me. I can't imagine a childhood without pancakes and syrup. I do, however, love all egg preparations with ketchup, so I am with you on that one!

Kiwi, I'm glad you understand and validate our fears, but you're gross! Ah, maple syrup phobia. This is well documented. Stickiness, the sweet smell, the horror of tapping the maple tree, I can see why this haunts so many innocent people. Seriously, I could drink the stuff or swim in it, I love it.

Glad you liked it. LOL, That was pretty funny I have to tell ya. If it had only been visual repulsion, I would have been fine! I'm going to go hide now. Thanks for stopping by! So you just looked at it and didn't like it, Hm. I only like the lite kind, otherwise it's just too much sugar!

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