Healthy And Delicious Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes With An Exciting Twist

After all, how can I say these are really that good if I don't like other pancakes anyway. Well, I actually have served these pancakes to a lot of people over the years, and it turns out that even the biggest pancake lovers on the planet fall in love with these after a bite or two.
That means you don't have to take my word for it. You can trust the opinion of a lot of other people who have tried this recipe before you. Whether you are a pancake lover or someone like me who wouldn't mind going without an extra stack at breakfast, you have got to try this recipe. You will never be satisfied with any other pancakes again.
At least that's what everyone I've shared this recipe with so far says. If I haven't convinced you yet, I don't know that I will be able to, but seriously, I dare you to try these and see if they aren't the best pancakes you've ever had! The recipe you will see below is split up into two parts. The first part of the recipe is basically a recipe for a delicious pancake mix that you can store for several weeks.
Picture the bag of mix you buy at the store and keep in your pantry until you're ready to use it, only imagine a homemade mix with much more delicious results. The second part of the recipe gives you the instructions for when you are actually craving some pancakes. They're basically like the instructions you would see on a bag of pancake mix telling you the ratio of water to dry ingredients. Last but not least, there are two secret ingredients to these pancakes that make them especially delicious!
Make sure you don't overlook them, because while the base recipe is good, it's really the secret ingredients at the end that make these pancakes a home run! The following ingredients are for the base pancake mix that you can store and use later. Mix the dry ingredients and then cut in the shortening until evenly distributed., Store in an air tight container for up to 12 weeks. This next part is the proportions for making the actual pancakes. Get ready for the best pancakes ever!
Mix the first set of ingredients on the recipe as directed in order to create a pancake mix that you can store and use whenever it is convenient. Mix 1 1/2 cups oat mix, 1 egg, and 1 cup of hot unsweetened vanilla almond milk and let it sit for about five minutes. I hope you are, add in the apple, cheese, cinnamon, and vanilla. Cook on a hot oiled griddle. You might want to cut through them a little bit to make sure that they are cooked all the way through.
Eat delicious pancakes and share this recipe with your friends! 1 2 3 4 5 5 stars from 1 rating of Amazingly Delicious Oatmeal Hippie Cakes Are you brave enough to load your pancakes up with apples and cheese, My mouth is watering at the thought! I'll have to think about that for a while. Never going to happen! So what are you waiting for,
Go mix up a batch of pancake mix. Cook up a few pancakes and store the rest of your mix in an air tight container so it will be ready and available next time you have a breakfast craving. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked.
Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. As a huge pancake fan, I'll have to try them! Probably 8-10 depending on the size. I don't make mine that big because I'm not very good at flipping pancakes without destroying them. How many pancakes does one batch usually make, The recipe for the oat mix is the top part of the recipe I included. Sorry if that was confusing. I wanted to do it as two different recipes, but hubpages would only let me do one recipe capsule per hub.
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