It Should Make A Sizzling Noise

1. After combining the dry and wet ingredients separately, stir them together gently just until dry ingredients are moistened. A few lumps are OK. Overmixing will result in tough, rubbery pancakes. 2. Let the batter rest for at least 5-10 minutes while you preheat your pan or griddle on MH or to 375º. Time enough to get the coffee started and set the table. A nonstick pan works best. Grease very lightly. There is enough butter in the batter to keep the pancakes from sticking. 3. Test the heat of your pan with a small dollop of batter. It should make a sizzling noise.
Growing up, we never celebrated Pancake Day, but my mother always made pancakes from scratch. It was always a treat when we had them for dinner-we kids thought we were getting away with something (it does have the word cake in the name afterall). But what I didn’t realize was that it was a treat for her too because they were SO EASY to make.
You make your pancakes from scratch, right, Please go to your pantry and toss out your gluten-free pancake mix right now. I know that was hard, but I’m going to teach you the easiest and best recipe for gluten-free pancakes you will ever try. No mix required. It’s my great grandmother’s recipe (not the gluten-free part…I’ve adapted it obviously), and according to those who knew her she was a terrible cook.
But she could make these pancakes. And if Edna Mae could…anybody can. And if you absolutely must have a “mix” in your pantry for emergency situations, you can quadruple the dry ingredients and put in an air tight container to use later. When you are ready to make pancakes, use about 1 1/4 cups of dry mix to one cup of buttermilk and add 1 egg. If buttermilk pancakes aren’t your cup of tea and you still want in on the fun, try this recipe for pumpkin pancakes or lemon ricotta pancakes.
Also check out these yummy Paczkis (it’s a Chicago thing) from my friend Mary Fran at Franny Cakes. This recipe, passed down in my family for generations, is easy and delicious. Though I prefer to use buttermilk, it works equally well with regular milk, or even almond milk or other milk substitutes. I often double or triple the recipe to feed my hungry crew. 1. Spray a non-stick griddle or large skillet with gluten-free cooking spray. Heat over medium low heat. 2. In a large mixing bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and xanthan.
Whisk to combine. Add the egg, buttermilk and melted butter and whisk until smooth. If the batter seems excessively thick add ¼ cup of milk and whisk again. 3. Pour batter by ¼ cupfuls onto hot griddle. Cook for about 3 minutes on the first side. Flip when bubbles begin to form around the edges. Cook on the remaining side for about 5 minutes more, turning down the heat if browning too quickly. Low and slow is the key to perfect gluten-free pancakes. 4. Serve with butter and real maple syrup.
Even when using a mom’s secret ingredient, “love”, you can never get restaurant quality pancakes out of a box. However, I’m going to let you in on the secrets to making buttermilk pancakes not only as good as your favorite restaurant’s, but better! The use of real ingredients and adhering to a few restaurant secrets will produce a light and fluffy pancake that no box can ever replicate. First assemble your ingredients. The first secret to perfect buttermilk pancakes begins by separating the egg yolks from the whites.
You need to whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks are formed, ideally with a hand mixer unless you enjoy torturing yourself. The reason for this will be explained shortly. With the exception of the egg whites, combine the wet and dry ingredients in separate bowls. Wet ingredients include egg yolks, buttermilk and melted butter. Once each are properly mixed combine the two bowls together.
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