Oven-Puffed Pancake Recipe

I didn't realize whole flaxseed could give you gallstones. My favorite cracker that I like to spread hummus on contains flaxseed, and I don't think it's ground. How sad, since I eat this almost every day. Great hub. Voted up and useful. Thank you. Appreciate that you came by and left your comment.
Informative and useful hub. I eat flax-seed and understand its nutritional benefits. Thanks for the added information I've learned through your hub. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. It is always helpful to hear from first hand experience! I've never known anyone who had the experience, but that is the reason I grind mine fresh for use. It's easy with a dedicated coffee grinder on hand. Appreciate your stopping by, as well as your comments.
I had learned about the rancid issue the hard way. I used the ground flax in a baked product and then it was rancid and bitter that it ruined the whole thing. Now I always taste the ground flax before adding it to stuff just in case. Through the comments of readers I have learned even more about using flaxseed.
Thank you for leaving your comment and for voting this hub up! Very informative hub. I learned a lot about flaxseed. Thanks. Rated up and useful. So glad you found this helpful. While the motto "fresh is always best" pretty much stands true for foods, if the flax packaging is not out of date and has been refrigerated since opening it should be healthy.
Thanks much for stopping by and leaving your comments. Great information. A few weeks ago I bought some packaged ground flax seed. It did say to refrigerate it once it was opened. Is packaged pre-ground healthy too, Well, it depends on your goals in taking it. However, there's no doubt that fresh ground flax seed offers more benefits. If you want to make a switch, use up your capsules when traveling or on busy days, and start slow with the fresh ground.
Depending on your needs you might be glad you made the switch. Let us know how it goes. Thanks very much for stopping by! I take flaxseed oil soft gel capsules. Not as effective as the fresh-ground stuff, I guess, I also learned that apple juice pectin can help soften gall bladder stones. Great information. I use it whole in muffins but didn't know it was hard to digest. I'll try grinding them with my mortar and pestle next time.
Thanks much for stopping by! Its indeed smart food. I've clarified the second paragraph thanks to your comment. Thank you for your question! Bloating could be one of the reasons for starting small when adding flax seed to your diet. I don't seem to have that problem, but my friend does. Thanks very much for stopping by and for commenting!
Thank you for a most useful hub. Are there any side effects one should be aware of, OK, I don't have time to read your hubs now but I will definitely be back. Too much good stuff here. Thanks for stopping by, lyjo, as well as for commenting. So glad you are already familiar with flax seed.
Appreciate you stopping by and reading it! The benefits have been affirmed over and over again and I need to take advantage of them again. I get out of the habit once in a while, especially when my routine is interrupted. Very interesting and informative hub. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Thanks very much for stopping in and commenting. I really is a good-for-you addition to our diets! Thanks for an interesting and informative hub. I love flax seed too.
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