Shrove Tuesday's English Pancake Recipe

Often covered with sugar and lemon juice. It dates back into the mists of time. It's Pagan origin are well documented. A feast of unleavened bread indicates that it pre-dates baking with yeast, and shows a more primitive form of flat bread making. It coincides not by accident, with the time of year, when people would be preparing to feast after surviving the winter, but may still have to tighten their belts until the spring harvest.
So it is basically a feast of flat-bread. Lent, like many other Christian festivals, was grafted onto existing pagan feast days, to assist with the transition from one belief system to another. Today this is a worldwide festival or feast day.The terms are interchangeable. This is how we do it in Britain, the recipe and the method. It is still a big deal today in Britain and elsewhere around the world. Many people still practice the arcane arts of home pancake making. Kids and adults love getting stuffed on pancakes.
In the past, any good food that was still lying around the house, that had survived winter would be cobbled together and combined, into a huge feast, before the fasting time began. This of course helped the finance's of the household and made sound economic sense. These old festivals on closer inspection have some interesting aspects.
By the end of February to early March. We have passed mid-winter and are halfway to spring. Foodstuff that we had stored, to keep us going over winter, may now be becoming a bit ripe. It needed to be eaten to save waste and money. And as spring was on the way, new food stuff would soon be available.
Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes: Flapjack and Waffle Mix Whole Grain Buttermilk Net Wt. The traditional pancake is unleavened bread. No raising agent is used. It is easy to see why it was thought to be from a biblical source. Food has played an important role in many religions. If you want someone to remember something important, it is good to associate it with food.
All have 'special foods' and meals to make the day memorable. Eating is something we do daily. By associating special food with these feast days, made people constantly have religion on their mind. Fasting for 40 days and 40 nights has a direct connection to the struggles of Jesus Christ in the desert. Every Lent believers are encouraged to give up (fast) something they like.
Smoking, drinking etc as an act of devotion, Today, many people may have forgotten the origins of this traditional feast day. It is possible to have pancakes whenever the fancy takes us. Pancakes are big business today and have been for many years. Like many on the tourism trail, on my visits to the USA. I too, have visited the many fast food outlets, that offer pancakes for breakfast lunch and tea. Travel and trying new foods, go together like honey and ice cream. Hop, Denny's, Sizzler and many other fast food outfits all serve pancakes by the truckloads daily.
So why do we still want to make our own at home, Tradition. It is usually a family affair or friends come over. It is after all a celebration; that we all survived the winter. We are looking forward to losing those extra pounds, we may have put on over winter, and of course. Spring is coming. Shrove or shriven by the way, means to acknowledge ones sins, in order to be forgiven. How to Make a Traditional Pancake.
This original version not what you will get at the IHOP, think more along the lines of french crepes'. You can buy a mix from the shop ready made but where is the fun in that, Go on make your own. Fast dessert recipes don't get much faster than this.
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