The Pok Trails: Homemade Pancake

I am using the double Happy Call Pan and it served me well. I started making pancake using ready mix, like Betty Crockers Butter Milk Pancake Mix and Morinaga Pancake Mix. These ready mix tasted good but I was not satisfied. A friend told me it is easy to make pancakes from scratch, so I tried.
Here is an easy peasy recipe which I would like to share, and it tasted very much near to McD's famous hot cakes! Firstly, mix the flour and sugar. Secondly, mix the wet ingredients together. Lightly beat the egg, then pour in the milk and melted butter. Thirdly, add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
Add the wet mixture into the flour and sugar. Give it a good stir and the thick batter will be slightly runny. The batter is ready to be cooked. Then, heat up the pan on low fire. NOTE: There is no need to oil the pan! Heating up the pan.
When the pan is ready, use a ladle to pour the batter. This will ensure that the pancakes produced are of the same size and it will be perfectly round. The lid can be closed for about half a minute. When bubbles started to appear on the surface, this means the pancake is ready to be flipped.
Pancake ready to be flipped. Flip over the pancake and cook for another half to 1 minute. Constantly check the based for how well you want the pancake to be cooked and browned. Continue the grilling process until all the batter are used up. Here is the stack of my homemade McD Pancakes! This recipe yields about 9-10 pieces of pancakes. A simple breakfast to start off a good weekend!
We try to use sourdough that was fed twice before using it, but we all know that that takes some pre-planning and sometimes mama just doesn't pre-plan. Tip: If in a hurry I will heat the oven to 350 and turn it off. Then place the sourdough starter in a bowl on top of the stove- covered in plastic wrap- to help it come to room temp faster! Depending on your starter you may have to use water or milk to make the batter less thick. We have never had to add any.
If you want to thin your batter then start by using 1T of water (or milk) at a time- until you reach your desired consistency. I promise that you will thank me later for these awesomely amazing pancakes! Standard Legal Disclosure: In order to support my blogging activities I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. I really appreciate y’alls support! Please know that I will only recommend products that I USE, LOVE, or REALLY HAVE A HANKERING FOR.
The best way to celebrate on a weekend morning is to make these Cinnamon Roll Pancakes! These fluffy, perfect pancakes are swirled with a cinnamon- sugar mixture and topped with a cream cheese drizzle. Watch the short video showing you how to make these Cinnamon Roll Pancakes, then scroll to the bottom of this post and print out the recipe so you can make them at home.
If you’ve ever thought you needed a reason to eat pancakes, today is the day: National Pancake Day! Eat a short stack for breakfast, enjoy them for lunch, or make a dinner out a manhole-sized pancake… guilt free… because you’re merely celebrating their existence. How do you like your pancakes,
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