An Introduction To Sticky Rice

pancake recipe for kids
After having made a nice optimum sized snow-ball of sticky rice, begin breaking off bite-size morsels at a time and roll these into balls as well. Solid morsels are used for dipping into sauces (soy sauce and fish sauce are simple sauces to try) or stir fry broth. Using this same method, make indents with your thumb into a small ball-shaped morsel for "scooping" up bits of food. In time you will be a pro (practice makes perfect). And make sure you wash your hands before you eat as always!

Enjoy, and don't get caught making little animal shapes with your rice, because you really shouldn't play with your food! Once, when I was a kid in elementary school, I brought a miniature basket of sticky rice with me as lunch. In addition to this, I had something called seen haang which is what many Lao describe as Lao beef jerky. All of the kids at my table were fascinated by what to me was a typical lunch. Some scrunched up their eyebrows.

Some even asked if they could try some. Well, in very little time, I looked down to find that I had no more sticky rice left, or any beef jerky. Consequently, the curiosity of my peers and the benevolence of my giving nature made me “empty” inside. “Wanna PB and J,

” my concerned friend Kevin asked me. What doesn't go well with sticky rice, Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.

I was wondering if you knew where to get the plastic bags that sticky rice are often served in, or if you knew what they were called or if there was a particular brand. Ely, How funny. Lauren would love to be right there digging in the mud with him. The diterir she can get the happier she is. I love your back yard!

What an awesome hub. You did a great job putting this together. I learned a lot from the introduction to the end. Now I am ready to try my hand at some sweet sticky rice. Thanks for presenting such a great hub, well done indeed. My family was introduced to sticky rice my my Vietnamese in-laws and we love it! So much so, that I need to cook enough for my niece's wedding reception. Do you have any advice for cooking large amounts of sticky rice,

Enough to feed 100 people, I am planning on bagging it in serving size portions and keeping them warm in a cooler. I have cooked it before, but not this much at once! Do you know the maximum amount I can cook at once, Thanks everyone for commenting on my hub.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the compliment! I have a few friends here at HubPages who are also Filipino. I'm still learning about the many varieties of Filipino dishes and your comment has sure shed some light on some of them. What's not to like, Felina Margetty: I couldn't help to literally laugh out loud after reading your comment :D Thanks for the comment! I'm flattered for it.

Holy Moly, when I grow up I want to be just like dohn121. Kudos for this well-written hub! I'm Asian and I've grown up eating sticky rice for desserts and for viands. It's such a flexible, bland ingredient that can be mixed with anything to make yummy dishes. In the Philippines, we have glutinous rice cakes called kakanin and glutinous rice chocolaty porridge that could be eaten either hot or cold.

Nice hub, thanks for sharing. I'm glad I was able to help out! There's nothing like the smell of sticky rice steaming in the morning! My problem is eating too much--soon after, I become groggy and only want to head to bed. I hope your rice comes out well! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. Hi dohn121, I just stopped by to refresh my memory of how to make sticky rice. Thank you, Lamme. Yes, nothing compares to fresh food. 4.95 for a small portion.

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