Mel's Light & Fluffy Pancakes

A year ago, Kate & Claire went to an American Girl cooking class at Williams Sonoma and they made Waffles from scratch. The girls said they were the best waffles they have ever had. They got to bring he recipe home and whenever we have waffles, Kate would make us the waffles from scratch. They were SO MUCH better than the box mix.
They were light & fluffy and tasted like restaurant quality. It inspired me to make pancakes from scratch and get light & fluffy pancakes. As some of you know, my 105 year old Grammy loved to cook & I got her recipe box and her cookbooks. She had a recipe for Buttermilk Pancakes, so I tested it out. It was way better than Bisquick or a box mix, but it still wasn't perfect.
After doing some research, I decided to tweak Grammy's Buttermilk Pancake mix. Instead of using store bought Buttermilk, I could make my own Buttermilk "soured milk" using milk & vinegar. I followed Grammy's recipe but instead of using store bought Buttermilk, I used my "soured milk" and BINGO! Pancake Perfection. Restaurant Quality. A few weeks ago, I posted about these pancakes on Instagram and a lot of people commented that they wanted the recipe, so here you go! Combine your milk & vinegar.
Set aside at room temperature for at least 10-15 minutes. This makes all the difference! Do not skip this step! Side note: Take out your eggs when you start making the "soured milk". You want the eggs at room temperature. I keep the milk/vinegar in a 2 cup measuring cup.
I know this sounds like a strange recipe, but boy do these turn out delicious! If you like mashed potatoes or sweet potato casserole, be prepared to have your mind blown. You can even top these babies with traditional mashed or sweet potato toppings. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments! Even years later, this is still our go to recipe for delicious pancakes int he mornings, however now we mix in fruit, nuts and raisins, and freeze the leftovers for quick morning breakfasts with no fuss.
Try topping them with applesauce instead of syrup for a delicious treat! Kenneth Avery, I am now following you! Thank you, I am tempted to give it a try. I'm definitely going to try these. Usually I have mixed the flour 50/50 whole wheat and white flour. I like the idea of getting in more whole grains and less process foods. Guess what's for dinner tonight, It was pure pleasure to meet you and read your work.
Tupelo, Miss., a mere 40 minute drive. But I am so tired. But you have given me a sweet memory (there I go again) with this hub. I would love to! Thank you for the wonderful comment. Oh how I love pancakes. I am one pancake freak. I love eating pancakes anytime of the day or night.
I loved this "delicious" piece. Voted up and all the choices. Loved your graphics, lay-out and presentation. I cordially invite you to check two or three of my hubs and be a follower of mine. I would love that. Experimenting has helped us to find some real gems. I really think you'll enjoy these! The cinnamon gives it just the right flavor. Thank you for your wonderful comments!
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