What IS Red Velvet Flavor,

Cautiously, I sampled about a third of what was offered. It's not chocolate, but maybe it kinda-sorta is. And then there's something else, but I can't pin it down. Sweet but not overpowering. And why is it red, anyway, Red velvet -- loved by many, shunned by others, and still others aren't quite sure. Haven't experienced this somewhat un-U-sual flavor yet, Great, give it a try and let me know what you think. What is the Flavor of Red Velvet, My husband says it's kinda like cocoa mixed with vanilla bean mixed with a hint of coconut.
I suggested there's a hint of cherry or some other kind of berry, but Jeremy added his own scowling "no way" to that. We do agree, though, that red velvet tastes more like white cake than chocolate, although the red coloring always throws us off. That red usually comes from food coloring, by the way, although some recipes call for grated beets or beet baby food, which not only makes the mix red but also helps retain moisture. You can find one of these "all natural" red velvet recipes with beets in Seeing Red on the Bitter Sweet blog.
Sorry, I don't concur. From there, many jump right to talking about the common cream cheese or buttercream frostings and fillings, which are much easier to wrap their taste buds around. And it sure looks pretty. You can buy that flavor, too. Red velvet emulsion -- with color -- comes in a bottle like the one pictured above.
Do You Like the Red Velvet Flavor, And how would you describe it, For those who are just ho-hum about this amorphous flavor in red, sorry, this section only allows for two choices. I know a lot of people love red velvet, while others totally turn up their noses, but there are also those who just can't quite decide. What do you think of red velvet, True red velvet cake is traditionally made with beets. That is the original recipe. Many people don't care for beets so they started using food coloring in a butter cake.
With the beets, it's decent for you, with the red food coloring it's horrible on many levels. LocalImpact: All though it may taste good. I will pass on the red food coloring. Jack: It's just cake with red food color. AugieDoggy: I tried red velvet cake for the first time the other day. Never even heard of it until recently! Maybe chocolate cake with red food coloring, I was pretty unimpressed! DebMartin: I've never tried it because all the recipes I see for Red Velvet Cake have included coconut, which I don't like.
I'll keep reading. Perhaps you can educate me on a flavor that does not have coconut in it. Loraine Brummer: I didn't know red velvet was a flavor, I always thought it was just added red food coloring to chocolate. Live and learn, I guess. I tried it once and believe it is just red food coloring, but I could be wrong. CampingmanNW: Isn't it just chocolate with red food coloring,
I love the colour red, but it seems kinda strange when there isn't a berry in sight! PinkstonePictures: Red food colouring - you can keep it. Genesis Davies: I tried making red velvet cupcakes. They were slightly chocolaty. It's an ok flavor, but I don't really see what the fuss is about . It's far from being my favorite. But I'll eat it if it's the only cake on the table. Gabriel: never had it any other way but with the red food coloring and I must say it was not for me.
But with the other ideas that have seen in this lens. I do love the Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Ice Cream muchly! I could it it all day long! Alessandro Zamboni: Seems fabulous! I must try it! Red Velvet IS hard to describe. I can't describe it, it but I do love it.
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