How About Lavender Sugar,

If you are into simple things, cover them in plain sugar or cinnamon. Or mix both to get crunchy cinnamon sugar. How about lavender sugar, You can add instant flavor and aroma to your pancakes by preparing this amazing topping. Mix dried lavender flower buds in sugar, let it sit for 24 hours and sift the buds out.
You can also add spices like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove, or vanilla in warmed maple syrup to get a whole new flavor, but as I said, we’re past maple. Honey is the topping that resembles maple syrup the most, in texture, color, and taste. The best part is that honey is very healthy, nutritious, and low in calories. You can also use it as sweetener added to the batter. Other syrups include chocolate, coconut, fruit syrups. You can prepare homemade syrups by mixing your two favorite flavors in one recipe. Here are some ideas: vanilla-rice syrup, buttery maple, honey-orange, molasses-cinnamon, mixed berry… Serve warm and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.
That's awesome that you tried khao doem before. I could probably write a hub on just that. I love the smell of banana leaves in the morning! Thanks for the comment. Khao doem and hot tea go great together by the way! It's been a while since I last heard from you! Pho is definitely a possibility. My friend awsydney from Sydney, Australia wrote a hub on that. Thank you for reading me.
I hope to hear from you again! Sticky rice is the best! Ohhh.. and Vietnamese or Lao pho! That should be your next hub. Am I dead, yet, Dohn, I must say--I am starving! I have eaten the khao doem before stuffed with pork and loved it so much! Very beautiful and extremely informative hub, Dohn! MissE--Thank you very much for the compliment.
I just had sticky rice AGAIN for dinner! I usually have it 4 times a week for dinner and sometimes for lunch. I'm glad I was able to give you an appetite! Wow, it sounds like you've been everywhere thus far! You certainly are fortunate to have done that. It's great to hear from you.
You work for the rice research institute, That's really cool. I'd really like to see your rice hub if you decide to publish one. I have many friends from the Philippines right here at HubPages. Perhaps I found another one, Thank you so much for commenting! However, you might find it challenging to find a Lao restaurant! Don't worry about the Yankees, my friend as they just scored 6 runs in the top of the 7th inning! And about me being right, I called it a week ago: Yankees in 5 games against the Halos, Yankees 6 against the Phillies.
Very informative and stickilicious hub! Sticky rice is one of our family's all time favorites.. Rice is part of our (Filipino) daily lives, the food we can't live without. As for me, I love rice, actually im working in a rice research institution.. Thank you very much for sharing this, 2 thumbs up!
I very much enjoyed reading this as my mouth watered for delicious steaming sticky rice that we consumed daily for our one year in Japan. You made me homesick. I love this hub about sticky rice. Your writing style is great, the subject is interesting and even though I just ate, I'm getting hungry again!
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